Hey, ladies, it´s that time of the year again! The time of the year when you toss and turn and can´t sleep at night because the most horrifying of questions comes again and again into your mind: WHAT WILL I GET HIM FOR CHRISTMAS?
But what do you get the man you spend everyday of your life with? Well, this is the time to get creative. By that I don´t mean you should make him something 🙂 . If you can, good for you, but I personally am not that handy 😉 .
So, I searched and searched the internet for the best, funniest, cutest, most useful Christmas present for the man in my life. And, I FOUND IT. In my long and not-so-easy searches of the internet I came across a French clothing company called Le Slip Français . Those who know me, know that my heart beats for France and when I found this small company with a big dream to change the world I could not help it but to love them.
Here are a few facts about Le Slip Français taken from the Slip´s manifesto:

We are a modern French enterprise, and a (good) idea. The idea that reinventing the textile production in France is a concern for everyone, but especially for us. We believe in the quality and craftsmanship of French manufacturers. We think that we must change the way we produce and consume. And we believe in a purposeful wardrobe. To achieve that, we want to design and manufacture our collections in France. We believe that changing the world for the better is not something only superheroes can do.
We are optimistic, our adventure is joyful and our enterprise serious. We offer you to construct, together and slip by slip, a production model that is more just, solid and transparent. A circle reviewed and corrected to form an equilibrium. (Source: https://www.leslipfrancais.co.uk/le-pari-du-slip).
But let´s go back to our presents 🙂 . So, the diversity of products is as big as the diversity of the men we have in our lives. You can find it all here. This is my small selection.
For the man who will keep you warm at night

For the man who will keep you warm day and night (will build for you and your 3 children a house, will provide and will keep you safe at all costs)

For the `let´s stay in bed and cuddle´man in your life
Image source: https://www.leslipfrancais.fr/ Image source: https://www.leslipfrancais.fr/
For the man you will introduce to your parents this Christmas

And last but not least, for the ´partner look´man

So, ladies, I hope this was as helpful for you as fun it was for me 🙂
Until next week I will leave you with the Slip´s motto:
You want to change the world?
Start by changing your slip!
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