The Secret of a Good Marriage

Not long ago we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our marriage, which has got me thinking and wondering how come some marriages work and others don´t. I know the title of this article sounds really promising, but I don´t think anyone has the recipe for the perfect marriage because we are all different and for every one of us different things work. I will tell you about what works for me.

I think the most important thing is to grow together. That and a great sense of humor. But now seriously, the important word here is TOGETHER. Every decision to be made should be thought and discussed by both partners in the relationship. There is a very fragile balance between doing what is best for you, doing what is best for your partner and doing what is best for both. Of course, now comes the part where I tell you that communication is essential. I will not elaborate on that because again I don´t have a recipe that always works.

When I got married 10 years ago, I knew what kind of life I wanted and I wasn´t ready to compromise. I also knew that in order to achieve that life, I needed someone at my side who was ready to go through it all and grow together with me (or I would do it all alone). Luckily I found that person.

The love of my life made everything until now feel easy and always made me feel like I am not alone in my quest. And I am very grateful for that. Now, after 10 years together I can´t imagine my life without him.

On that note, I wish all the love in the world!


P.S. The pictures are from our anniversary trip To Paris. Hope you enjoy them!

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