
Bulgari and Save the Children presents Dreams #MadeReal

Bvlgari and Save the children: dreams start with a vision — but it is only through determination, care and audacity that dreams are made real. It was these shared values that first brought Bvlgari and Save the Children together in 2009, and these values that underpin their ongoing efforts to empower children through [Read More]

10 Thoughts on Acne Treatments

Acne can be a very annoying condition and often we can’t pin point a thing that has cause it. It seems to appear out of nowhere (maybe a few unhealthy meals or a stressful period of time) and it goes away slowly and after many [Read More]

The man in your life deserves the best for Christmas – Le Slip Français

Hey, ladies, it´s that time of the year again! The time of the year when you toss and turn and can´t sleep at night because the most horrifying of questions comes again and again into your mind: WHAT WILL I GET HIM FOR CHRISTMAS? But [Read More]