PSA and Movember

Movember is a movement that aims to raise awareness about the health issues of men such as prostate cancer or testicular cancer. Therefore, during the month of November men grow their mustaches to change the face of men’s health. 
November is almost at its’ end and we haven’t been talking much about men’s health. A sisters’ thing decided to spread out some information about PSA and prostate cancer.

PSA or the Prostatic Specific Antigen is a component of the seminal liquid which is normally present in the blood in very small quantities. Testing the levels of PSA is a screening test for prostatic issues such as nodular hyperplasia of the prostate, acute prostatitis, after a prostatic biopsy or in case of prostate cancer.

Prostatic cancer is the second most common cancers in men. It is usually a disease of elderly men. The 2018 urology guides suggest that screening tests should be performed for men of 55 to 69 years old who want an early diagnosis and who agree with the risks of the other invasive investigations.  

Thinking about health is very important, as well as being conscious about your doctor visits. If you have any health concerns you should take them to your attending physician in order to be well advised. 

Much love,


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