The Longchamp Le Pliage bags are the most practical bags I own. I have several models and I must say these are my go-to bags when it comes to travelling. They are big enough to fit all my things (and when I travel I need a lot of stuff 🙂 ), but they due to their nice shape they don’t look huge.
At some point along the way, I kind of started to collect them, that’s why I always keep an eye out for new models. When I saw the collaboration with the artist Clo’e Cloirat my heart just melted.

But who is Clo’e Cloirat?
‘Clo’e Floirat is an art critic and artist: “artist-critic”. She began her rigorous training in New York, fleetingly leaving France to then attend the Design Academies of Reims and Eindhoven, Netherlands. This led her to Berlin, working with architects specializing in art spaces for another five years. From working with Robert Wilson as well as Rufus Wainwright in New York for several years, her interests have recently culminated in her graduation from the new master in critical writing in art at the Royal College of Art, London. Clo’e has become known for her signature drawings – a combination of drawing and writing with a critical orientation, into what she calls drawing Crit’ writing – that cast a critical, humorous and refreshing look on the world of contemporary art. Clo’e is a regular contributor to various publications, e.g., art press, Frieze, Designo, Intramuros, l’Officiel Art and the World of Interiors. She is a special guest at Monumenta – Grand Palais in Paris since 2011, where she draws and writes along side major contemporary artists such as Anish Kapoor, Daniel Buren, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. More recently Art Brussels has invited her for a live critical drawing installation on the walls of the art fair. In 2016 Kamel Mennour feat. Clo’e Floirat. A unique collaboration to take a closer look at his 2016 Gallery program. In March 2016, Clo’e released her first book Pas mal pour de l’art with Marabout editions – Marabulles. This new publication constitutes a unique portrait of gallery and museum-goers, drawn with humor and perceptiveness.’ (Source:
So it was to be expected that a French fashion house with a long tradition like Longchamp will do a collaboration with an artist that introduces the audience in a humorous way in the ‘Parisian’ way of life.
One of these could also make a great Christmas present, don’t you think?
Until next week!
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