Trying New Things – Learning More About Photography

Part of my new more “self-caring” way of living is also discovering more meaningful ways to spend my free time. I´m not saying that watching TV should totally disappear from my life, but I am ready to try new things and discovering new hobbies.

Some of you may know that my beloved hubbie is really into photography and it is becoming for him more and more a “profession” (you can admire his work here) , I thought I should give photography a chance, too.

So at his recommendation, I packed my brand new little camera, a Panasonic Lumix GX880 and I traveled to Frankfurt am Main to take a photography class offered by Städel Museum.

Städel Museum offers regularly photography classes and this time the theme was Reflections in black and white. Here are some of my pictures.

It was a great day and I learned a lot. I hope my pictures will be from now on much better and I think I will take other photography classes in the future.

Until next time, I wish you great summer days!

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