Paloma Picasso´s Graffiti collection is the collection I love most from Tiffany&Co. I love it because it is simple and delicate, yet strong and bold.

Words are a strong way of expression, but it takes real courage to stand up for yourself and say what you really think and feel. In a world dominated by mediocrity and the pressure to fit in, it is hard to be different and speak your mind.

I too, like many of you have been in situations where having an opinion was not desired. It took time and a few bad experiences to learn that the most important person for me is… ME. Only when I am happy and at peace with myself I can give others the love and care they need. But we will talk about that some more…

Paloma´s Graffiti is just that: putting your soul out there and shouting out loud: This is who I am!.

For myself, I have chosen the two words I find at this point in my life the most important: LOVE and FOREVER.

More items from this beautiful and powerful collection you can find on the Tiffany&Co. website.

The take-home message of this post is: You are not alone!

With that I will see you next week.
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